Natural remedies, including CBD for menopause, have had only anecdotal evidence; however, a recent study (2022) out of the Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences might prove otherwise.
All women will go through their own unique "change of life" symptoms due to the inevitable decline of estrogen.
This natural transition typically begins in a woman's 40s, and menopause symptoms sometimes can last well into a woman's 60s or even 70s. But, it doesn't have to!
Menopausal women have been left to deal with hormonal imbalances, brain fog, difficulty sleeping, and daily life changes on their own and in silence for too long.
Many women are given hormone therapy and prescription medication for menopausal symptoms.
However, some choose non-conventional remedies to help them through this natural process, such as homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, herbs, and, most recently, CBD, the non-intoxicating substance derived from hemp.
Before we dive into the potential benefits of CBD products in this stage of life, let's discuss what it is and how it works within the human body.
CBD vs THC: The Differences
Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica are two types of plants containing a compound called cannabinoid.
The extraction process of these chemicals comes from the dried leaves and flowers.
There are two cannabinoids of interest: CBD and THC.
The most well-known of the two is THC which is best known for its psychoactive properties or the feeling of being "high" and is found in the leaves of the cannabis sativa plant.
However, the cannabidiol compound responsible for its medicinal properties is CBD, located in the flowers of the cannabis indica plant.

CBD for menopause has many positive effects, such as:
- relaxation
- anti-inflammatory properties
- improving sleep quality
- improving glucose metabolism or decreasing insulin resistance
The benefits of THC besides feeling euphoric are:
- relief of muscle pain and spasms
- reduces the feeling of nausea from chemotherapy
- improves digestion and aids in digestion
- improves sleep
CBD vs CBN vs CBG: The Cannabinoid Confusion
I know...this can all make your head spin. Researching, having conversations with companies, growers and experts has my head spinning too!
There are over 100 cannabinoids in the cannabis plant however two others are important and worth noting: CBN and CBG.
Considered 'minor' in comparison to CBD, they have their importance nonetheless.
CBN comes from "aged THC," the psychoactive chemical in the cannabis sativa plant.
When THC is exposed to light, heat, or air, it degrades and changes into CBN.
Even though it comes from the mood altering part of the cannabis plant, CBN typically doesn't cause a "high."
Research is minimal on CBN; however, a medical publication from the Molecular Basis of Disease showed some promising potential for its use with glaucoma.
CBG is known as the "mother of all cannabinoids."
In the beginning stages of this plants life, CBG will help to create CBD and THC.
Once CBD and THC are made, there is not much CBG left over, making this a limited substance.
Research is also scarce on CBG but a recent Molecular Science journal proposed that CBG has potential to be anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti fungal and even might help to balance the free radical formation of aging.
How Does CBD For Menopause Work?
Just like the immune system, cardiopulmonary system (heart and lungs) and endocrine system (hormones), we also have an endocannabinoid system, ECS for short.
Not too long ago, in 1998, scientists discovered this human system and how it was the "master regulator" in keeping us in optimal function, otherwise known as homeostasis.
The ECS system has a direct affect on our immune, digestive, and reproductive systems.
Making it a vital system in our longevity.

The ECS is like an extensive superhighway that works to transmit chemical signals from your brain and organs to help your body function optimally.
Endocannabinoids are made naturally in the human brain, especially in the presence of a diet rich in a healthy ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.
In addition, the brain manufactures proteins that have a similar effect to marijuana, providing an opportunity to play a significant role in pain management.
CBD For Menopause Symptoms
You experience anxiety when a part of your brain perceives a threat to your safety.
Meaning this: it does not have to be an actual threat!
In essence, our thoughts alone can trigger our survival response, causing us to experience anxiety.
To survive, it releases a chemical to cause you to fight, flee or freeze in response to the perceived threat.
Our hormones begin to fluctuate significantly in the years leading up to menopause.
For example, estrogen substantially impacts our ability to produce serotonin, the "happy hormone."
As estrogen declines, so do our serotonin-making capabilities.
When the levels of these hormones decline, our serotonin receptors become less stimulated, leading to more incidences of mood disorders.
A study conducted in 2019 found that CBD can have an effect in decreasing anxiety-like behavior reactions during painful experiences.
The results of CBD, when used for anxiety disorders, are to help calm the mind and relax the body through the endocannabinoid system.
Anxiety can also put a damper on feeling sexual desire, read here for how hormones affect intimacy.
Studies have shown that perimenopausal and menopausal women have double the rates of depression than women at other times in their lives.
Theorists have suggested that women undergo a "window of vulnerability" in which they become hypersensitive to drastically shifting hormone levels.
Women who suffered from depressive moods before the menopausal transition seem to get hit harder with depression symptoms and hormonal changes.
Menopausal depression can look like the following:
- feeling hopeless
- sadness and feelings of emptiness
- guilty, worthless, or helpless feelings
- restless and trouble being still
- decreased energy and fatigue
- poor sleep, waking up too early or sleeping too late
- feeling lonely or alone
Hot Flushes
Hot flushes, or hot flashes, are unpredictable intense experiences of heat directly related to the estrogen decline in menopausal women.
They can occur at any time of the day or night and with no prior warning.
For 80% of menopausal women, hot flashes occur for about two years.
They typically begin before the date of a woman's last menstrual period.
Estrogen is an important hormone that significantly impacts the endocannabinoid system. It regulates a type of fatty acid in the ECS, which helps break down a chemical responsible for temperature regulation.
Therefore, when a woman's hormonal balance is interrupted, hot flashes can become worse.
Scientific research presently hasn't found conclusive evidence that CBD can directly affect the incidences of hot flashes.
Still, it can help a woman get a good night's sleep if she struggles in the p.m. hours.
Certain prescription medications can trigger hot flashes, known as antidepressant-induced sweating.
If you experience increased hot flashes while on your antidepressant medication, it is a good idea to discuss this with your doctor.
Here are some suggestions to combat night time sweating:
- cooling your bedroom before going to sleep
- doing a meditation before sleep
- avoiding coffee or alcohol
- choose bed sheets made from eucalyptus (cooling sheets that help to regulate body temperature)
Age-related joint pain is known as osteoarthritis.
Overuse injuries, poor posture, and wrong sleeping positions can contribute to soft tissue injury and pain.
Lack of exercise, poor nutrition, and physical neglect can exacerbate the decline of a woman's health as she nears menopause.
Osteoporosis plagues women after 50. In fact, women can lose up to 1/3 of their total bone density within five years after their cycle ends.
Bone resorption of minerals, particularly calcium, gets more challenging as we age due to, once again, the decline of estrogen.
Dehydration and bone mineral loss can also contribute to muscle and joint pain.
CBD is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, it is being used successfully to help alleviate joint and muscle pain in its users.
According to the Arthritis Foundation, these are the following suggestions when choosing CBD for pain management:
- choose a CBD product with a GMP certification that has been independently tested for purity, potency, and safety
- choose an oral instead of an inhaled beginning with a low dosage in the evening to start
- create realistic goals within a practical time period (natural products need time to work)
Sleep Disturbances
Typical sleep disturbances in menopause are accompanied by hot flashes and night sweats.
A good night's sleep of 7 or more solid hours can play a crucial role in a woman's overall health.
However, the disturbances of waking up drenched, having the chills, having to pee, and being unable to turn off the brain results in a helluva night of unrest.
Night after sleepless night can lead to more than just exhaustion.
Sleeplessness or lack of quality sleep can result in:
- worsening mood swings
- high blood pressure
- increased risk of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and/or stroke
- quickened rate of bone density loss
- memory loss
- poor blood flow to organs and brain
In addition, using CBD as a treatment for sleep apnea is showing positive results.
Hormone Replacement Treatment
Women spend 1/3 of their lifetime in post-menopause.
According to the most recent 2022 Hormone Therapy Position Statement, written by the North American Menopause Society (NAMS), HRT is most effective in the 10 years post-menopause.
It is best for women suffering from vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes) and those with reproductive or urinary bladder issues (e.g. chronic UTI's, vaginal dryness).
It also is shown to slow the progression of bone loss.
At this point, CBD is not a substitute for HRT as it does not contain hormones.
CBD does work well in conjunction with HRT though.
Still, scientific evidence has not yet found CBD to interact much with estrogen and progesterone directly.
However, they impact the endocannabinoid system, where recent research is trending.
Different Forms of CBD For Menopause
If the world of CBD is new to you, know that you do not need to purchase the most expensive product on the market.
Instead, ensure you are buying a full spectrum CBD product as this contains the "full range" of compounds found in cannabis, including THC (only 0.3% THC per government regulations).
All the chemicals of a plant work synergistically (works together) therefore making full spectrum a better choice, in my opinion.
If you prefer a product that has all THC removed then you should choose a broad spectrum CBD product. (If the company offers an alternative to full spectrum, you can ask if they have a broad spectrum option.)

What CBD For Menopause Product To Choose:
This application method combines the highest amounts of CBD with a wax, butter, or oil formulation.
It typically comes in a syringe applicator with dosage lines to ensure the proper amount is used appropriately.
An application is taken either under the tongue or placed inside a capsule and inserted into the rectum before bedtime.
Cannabinoids are fat-soluble, so they are best to be taken with meals.
In addition, fat-soluble products are enhanced when paired with foods that contain fat, such as oil or butter.

Gummies / Edibles
Essentially, these are adult edible candies.
Think Flinstones with a little kick.
Or gummy bears, worms or gumdrops a la lounge vibes.
They are not the pop-in-your-mouth-at-the-movies-kind of sweets. Unless you want to be totally asleep before the first action scene.
If they are of the full spectrum variety, taking too many might have you failing a drug test (that .3% THC can add up quickly if you pop too many!)
They can be super yummy, so ingester, beware!
Take only the recommended amount on the product label!

CBD can be infused into a cream, gel, balm, salve, or oil ointment and applied directly to the skin.
When anything is applied to the skin (skin care products, deodorants, hair products, perfume, drugs, or CBD topicals), it penetrates through the skin barriers to deeper layers. It eventually reaches small blood vessels. These small vessels absorb the product and push it into the bloodstream.
Applying something topically can take longer to hit the bloodstream, but it is potent nonetheless.
As for CBD, our deeper skin cells have CBD receptors, making it a suitable method of transport for targeted application for aches and pains.

Another form of oral ingestion is through taking pills or capsules filled with CBD.
They are often good for someone new to taking CBD who doesn't like the taste of CBD.
The dosage is specific to the capsule so it takes the guessing game out of how much to take.
Capsules are typically filled with CBD and a carrier oil such as coconut oil. (Remember, CBD is absorbed better in the presence of ingesting fat.)

Similar to how essential oils are made, the cannabis plant is placed into a type of pressure cooker filled with carbon dioxide.
The pressure on the plant, in the presence of carbon dioxide, eventually forces a liquid to emerge called "oil."
This is called a CO2 extraction process.
Honestly, this is my least favorite of all the ways for anyone to consume CBD but I had to include it (reluctantly).
I personally do not support this method since it can cause long term lung damage, throat irritation and can increase symptoms of asthma.
How to Dose CBD For Menopause
If you are new to using CBD and are confused as to "how much" to take, here are some dosing parameters to consider:
- Micro dosing - 0.5mg - 20mg per day
- Standard dosing - 10mg - 100mg per day
- Macro dosing - 50 - 800mg per day
Using the "Step Up" method as described in the book “CBD: A patient’s guide to Medical Cannabis” is a technique to ramp up slowly in order to adjust to your correct dosage.
How to "step up":
- Begin with the lowest dosage for 1 full week.
- Keep adding to the dosage week by week but take note of how you are feeling. If you notice that your issues are resolving then this is your correct dose. If you aren't feeling good or experiencing side effects then "step down".
- Use the LESS IS MORE approach, therefore higher dosages do not always yield the best results.
Possible Side Effects of CBD Use
More and more people have become curious of using and implementing a natural, non-toxic CBD way of life.
As we've discussed, it can help with sleep, reduce pain, and possibly be used with other drugs to treat more complex chronic conditions.
One thing to note when using CBD, is that everyone reacts differently to cannabis use.
Some side effects can include:
- tiredness
- dry mouth
- dizziness
- changes in appetite
- possible weight gain
In Conclusion: The Sum Is Greater Than Its Parts
Cannabis research is still in its infantile stages; scientists and researchers all believe that extracting one chemical from the plant might not give the best benefits.
However, using all parts of the cannabis plant can have what is known as the "entourage effect."
The cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids can create a synergistic or maximal overall effect when used together.
Pointing us back to full spectrum over broad spectrum usage.
CBD is a natural product receiving high praise in many medical fields.
When used correctly with care and consideration of proper dosing, it can be a great addition to your daily wellness and self-care routine.
If you are considering using CBD as a maintenance plan or to manage a medical condition, speak to your healthcare provider.
CBD is not meant to suddenly swap out any of your current medications.
During your menopausal time, consider including CBD in your maintenance plan!
It might be a new found great addition to help relieve some of your nagging menopausal symptoms.
Products I Use
How much CBD do I use for menopausal anxiety?
Is CBD oil good for sleepless nights?
How do I use CBD for pain?
CBD FOR MENOPAUSE: Cannabis Benefits

October 8, 2022
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