The universe is a tapestry of interconnected energies and celestial phenomena that reflect the threads of our lives.
One such an event, the Lions Gate Portal, weaves a fascinating web of connections to various aspects of our existence.
Among these, one stands out as particularly profound: the intertwining of the Lions Gate Portal with the transformative journey of menopause.
This post is about the connection between the astrological, numerological and cosmological Lion's Gate Portal and the spiritual transition of menopause.
The Lions Gate Portal: A Cosmic Convergence
Each year, on the 8th of August (8/8), a cosmic spectacle known as the Lions Gate Portal graces the heavens.
Numerologically, the number 8 symbolizes infinity, abundance, and strength.
When doubled in the form of 8:8, its energy intensifies exponentially, carrying the potential for infinite blessings and opportunities.
Central to this celestial phenomenon is the rising of the star Sirius, a brilliant luminary visible from Earth.
Revered by cultures from ancient Egypt and the Dogon group in Mali, Sirius is often referred to as "the spiritual Sun of our Sun."
Therefore, it is believed to harbor ancient wisdom, the teachings of our spiritual ancestors, and the profound insights that shape our spiritual journey.
Menopause: A Time of Profound Transformation
Parallel to the energies of the Lions Gate Portal, menopause represents a significant transition in a woman's life.
It is a natural phase marked by the cessation of menstruation and fertility.
Beyond its physical implications, menopause triggers emotional, psychological, and spiritual shifts that mirror the cosmic energies.
During menopause, women often undergo a process of shedding old layers, releasing emotional baggage, and embracing a deeper understanding of their authentic selves.
Whereas, this journey aligns with the symbolic shedding of limitations and embracing of boundless potential that the Lions Gate Portal encourages.
The Nexus of Energies: Lions Gate Portal and Menopause
The convergence of the Lions Gate Portal and the menopause transition is a testament to the interconnectedness of the universe and our individual lives.
As we honor the cosmic energies of 8/8 and the rising of Sirius, we can also draw parallels to the journey through menopause:
Releasing and Renewal
Just as the Lions Gate Portal encourages the release of emotional barriers, menopause invites women to shed outdated beliefs and experiences.
This double release opens the doors to renewal and transformation.
Embracing Strength
The strength and courage associated with the number 8 resonate deeply with the resilience required during menopause.
Both invite us to tap into our inner strength to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Cosmic Guidance
As Sirius is considered a source of spiritual knowledge, menopause too invites introspection and self-discovery.
Both offer a chance to connect with ancient wisdom and the profound teachings of our inner selves.
Stepping into Potential
The boundless potential promised by the Lions Gate Portal mirrors the uncharted territory of post-menopause life.
Embracing this phase with intention, like stepping through a cosmic gateway.
Thus, inviting us to find the full expression of our potential.
As we stand at the crossroads of these interconnected energies, we have the opportunity to honor both the cosmic dance of the universe and the transformative dance of menopause.
Just as the stars align on 8/8, so too can we align our inner selves with the infinite wisdom and potential that lie within and beyond this transition.
Lions Gate Portal and Menopause

August 8, 2023
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